butternut (#1)


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Bare root seedling trees. It requires at least two trees for cross-pollination. Wind-pollinated.

Butternut, related to the black walnut, and also known as white walnut, is not as prominent as it once was in the landscape of the eastern US. Butternut canker has killed or sickened most of the trees.

This year, seedlings grown at Feralwood are grown from a tree planted within the Feralwood food forest. At present, the mother tree, about 14 years old, is showing no signs of canker.

While nuts require some effort to get to, similar to the black walnut, the effort is incredibly rewarding. Nuts are nutrient dense, buttery, and delicious.

Plant details:
Genus & species: Juglans cinerea
Hardiness: Zone 3 to zone 7
Sun: Full sun preferred
Soil type: Tolerant of a variety of soil types, well-drained
Soil moisture: Average to moist

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