overcup oak - seed (#2)

from $5.00
Out of Stock/Season
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Prices of large seed such as acorns , chestnuts, and hazelnuts have some of the costs of shipping embedded in the price of purchase.

Seed is sold in quantities of 10, 25, 50, and 100.

Overcup oak is a species oak of the white oak group whose native range is primarily that of the southeastern US. It gets its name from a cap that mostly encloses the acorn, a trait similar to bur oak. And like bur oak, the acorns have very little tannins present in the nut meat. This trait makes processing for human consumption easier, and suggests that they may be more palatable to livestock and wildlife.

This is an oak that, in the wild, is often found growing in floodplains, wetlands, and swamps. This makes it a great oak candidate for planting in sites that stay consistently moist, and it can withstand periodic flooding. However, as is the general rule with oaks, they are also very adaptable. For example, the seed collected to grow trees for the nursery, and to offer here, was collected from trees growing in the median of a parking lot.

Plant details:
Genus & species: Quercus lyrata
Hardiness: Zone 5 to zone 9
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Soil type: Adapts to a wide variety of soils
Soil moisture: Moist but well-drained preferred. Can withstand periods of flooding and tolerate poorly drained soils. Drought tolerant once established

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