walking onion - bulbs (#4)


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Each order contains 3 (1 year old) bulbs.

As with most Allium species, walking onions are briefly dormant for a period in Summer. One typically gathers the greens to eat during the cool weather, particularly late Winter and early Spring. The bulbs are best gathered for food in early Summer. Bulbils, aka topsets, which are produced on the ends of leaves, can be gathered in the Summer also, and either planted or eaten. They can also be left on the plant, and as the leaves topple over, they will root and form new plants, hence the name ‘walking onion’.

Plant details:
Genus & species: Allium × proliferum
Hardiness: Zone 3 to zone 9
Sun: Full sun preferred
Soil type: Loamy soils preferred, well-drained
Soil moisture: Average to moist (not soggy)

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