red chokeberry - seed (#2)

from $6.00
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Sold in quantities of 20 and 100.

Seed is kept in a fresh state and is not dried. Requires 90 days cold stratification.

One of three Aronia species native to the eastern US, red chokeberry is a multi-stemmed shrub species with a suckering habit once it is well-etablished. It boasts bountiful white blossoms which transform into brilliant red berries. In my area these ripen in Fall, after frost has come, making them one of the last fruits to ripen in my area. The berries hang on long after the leaves have fallen, making them a particularly beautiful thing to look at.

Chokeberries are a medicinal edible, containing a slew of various health promoting antioxidants. Research has suggested that red chokeberry may have the highest overall/total antioxidant concentration of the three native species.

It should be noted that while berries of Aronia species have some of the highest concentrations of antioxidants among fruits, the leaves are also potent in antioxidants and make a wonderful tea.

Plant details:
Genus & species: Aronia arbutifolia
Hardiness: Zone 4 to zone 9
Sun: Full sun to part shade, best flowering in full sun
Soil type: Tolerant, though prefers moist, rich soils
Soil moisture: Average to moist, tolerant of drier soils once-established. Tolerant of boggy soils.

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