northern spicebush (#1)

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Seedling treees. It requires both sexes for fruit, though trees cannot be sexed until they reach flowering age.

These seedlings are grown from seed gathered in the mountains of North Carolina. If no other spicebush shrubs are present near the planting site, it is recommended to plant multiple seedlings to insure both sexes are present for fruit production, if desired.

Spicebush offers medicine and food, as well as being a host plant for the spicebush swallowtail.

Plant details:
Genus & species: Lindera benzoin
Hardiness: Zone 4 to zone 9
Sun: Tolerates shade, best fruiting with sun exposure.
Soil type: Prefers loamy, fertile, moisture-retentive yet well-drained soils.
Soil moisture: Moist, well-drained.

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