wild strawberry (#4)

from $10.00

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Orders come as 3 or 12 rooted divisions.

Here you will find selections of both species of US native wild strawberries, Fragaria virginiana and F. vesca. F. virginiana is a better candidate for southern states with drier, hotter summers. Note: at present I no longer offer F. vesca.

The fruit, while much smaller than the standard stawberry of agriculture, is incredibly sweet. While the fruits are small, when they are allowed to carpet an area they can be gathered in abundance. In Feralwood plantings we have also noticed an increase in fruit size and flavor with very fertile, loose soil, as opposed to those found growing in compacted soils. These patches can yield a pint of fruits in about ten minutes time during peak season.

Wild strawberry makes a very reliable and quickly spreading ground cover in perennial food gardens. Experience has shown these plants to reliably cover the ground in one year when planted 12 inches apart in loose, rich soil. Here in our 7b climate zone, the leaves are above ground all year with the exception of short periods during the driest/hottest and coldest weather, at which time they typically have a brief period of dormancy before bouncing back.

Aside form the fruit, the young leaves can be gathered and dried to brew a nutrient-dense tea. The leaves are very high in antioxidants, such as polyphenols. They are also a very good source of various vitamins and minerals and are often used similarly to raspberry leaves for supporting expectant mothers.

Plant details:
Genus & species: Fragaria virginiana
Hardiness: Zone 4 to zone 9
Sun: Full sun to part shade. Fruits best in full sun
Soil type: Prefers a loose soil rich in organic matter
Soil moisture: Average to moist. Well-drained yet moisture retentive is best
Planting Instructions: Plant 8 - 12 inches apart for a quickly forming ground cover

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