red buckeye - seed (#2)

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Red buckeye seed sold in quantities of 20. Due to the earlier-than-typical sprouting of radicles, orders of buckeye seed cannot be held and will ship ASAP.

As with some species in the white oak group, buckeye seeds sprout a radicel, or root shoot, shortly after ripening. They spend the winter growing a substantial tap root, and in spring the leaves emerge. As such, you should plan to plant buckeye seeds shortly after you obtain them.

Red buckeye is a small tree/large shrub native to the southeastern US and is a great support for local ecology in this region. It has an open habit and grows wet in wet soil. Tolerant of brief flooding. It is happiest with filtered sun, making it a great candiidate for an understory planting at the front edge of a canopy.

Nuts of all buckeye species are toxic as they come. They can be rendered edible with a process that includes leaching.

Due to the high concentration of saponins, nuts of species of buckeye can be used to make a laundry detergent.

Genus & species: Aesculus pavia

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